Monday, November 26, 2007


Physique is something that concerns anyone who is health conscious. Many people would love to be built like ancient statues of Gods and Goddesses and for most it is possible to achieve. Unfortunately not everyone can be built statuesque.

Bone structure and musce fibers play a part in how much potential musce growth a person can have and they are virtually unchangeable. Breaking musce fibers down so they can repair is how they swell and eventually grow, with the right diet and rest of course. Naturally there are two kinds of muscle fibers, long and short.

A bicyclist like Lance Armstrong has long muscle fibers while a bodybuilder like Arnold Schwarzenegger has short muscle fibers. According to health expert and author of The Book of Muscle, Ian King, muscle fibers can practically be altered from long to short with a few weeks of intense lifting in short ranges of motion with heavy weight.

Genetics decide what kind of potential the body has and while some can drasticaly develop their bodies others can only moderately do so without growth hormones. Working out too vigorously can damage the heart and kidneys because of extenuous tissue breakdown. An abundance of lactic acid (acid produced from exercise) can cause your blood pH to be off balance and will hurt your cells.

Magazines and movies display Adonis-like figures on models and actors. Not everyone can have abs like Brad Pitt in Fight Club or arms like the Spartans in the movie 300. Even the people built like superheroes have to work hard and often to develop their bodies.

Small or thin bones do not permit extreme musce growth naturally because the muscle will be misproportional and in some rare cases muscles to large for bones have broken them. Spinal conditions like a narrow spinal cana make it hard for a person to develop their upper body because it causes pain when the back supports too much weight, even if it is musce not fat.

A wide pelvis and a small rib cage may frustrate someone with a pear shaped body and while they can change it to a point that is exceptional they will probably never have a V-shaped torsto and hips. A long neck makes it difficult to deveop thick and masculine shoulders while a short neck has the opposite affect.

There a variety of supplements and steroids available to enhance the body but most of them are dangerous to your health. Some women want to enlarge their breasts and some men want to enlarge their genitalia but they can only do so much to change these things. The gorgeous T'n'A requires certain DNA and not everyone is so lucky.

People need to accept the boundaries of their body in order to achieve their maximum health and learn that their physiques will develop in a way that is most convenient for their body. Changing the appearance of the body can happen and even extreme results are possible but there are limits for most.

Health does not show entirely in one's physical appearance and though this will never be realized by everyone it is being discovered more frequently.

1 comment:

Michael J. Fitzgerald said...

Interesting column, good points made.

To make it stronger, more leaning on films like 300 and the stereotypes contained therein would help.

But overall, it reads like it was well researched and provides enough examples to be effective.