Sunday, September 16, 2007

Healthy Habits

Living a healthy life is simple but most of the general population does not scientifically qualify as "healthy" due to diet, lack of exercise, and/or stress. Many different aspects of life contribute to the overall spectrum of a person's health. A balanced diet provides the body with all the nutrients and fuel required to function properly. Exercise pushes the body physically to operate at intense levels and challenges the mind to push the body to the limits. Stress can affect one's health because when a person is sad, worried, annoyed, irritated, or in any way uncomfortable the body can produce hormones and chemicals that induce the feeling of stress which can result in fatigue, depression, and physical problems like ulcers.

An introduction to the theories of health involves simple, broad generaizations. Before getting into complicated ideas that fcus on specific elements of health, one must categorize things into different areas. People have a general sense of what's healthy because of natural instincts. Behavior often dictates what is heathy because trends and fads exist for the sake of improving people. The typical idea of health involves the body and how it operates. It usually does not extend beyond diet and exercise in basic portions. The truth is that being healthy involves emotional and spiritual progress aside from physical adequacy.

For instance, a person may live in a cold region of the world and exercise regularly and eat healthy. They may also love their job and be social but if they don't see much sun, they are lacking in vitamins that come from sunlight. While not an extreme problem, this is one angle to look at people who may not be entirely healthy and are not aware. These people can likely survive and lead satisfying lives but there are cases where people in certain regions are health-challenged because of their environment.

Fitness and health are complex subjects each with endless philosophies. The bottom line is usually whatever makes you happy makes you healthy. Unfortunately there is a little more to the idea than that and people are slowly learning such with progressive studies and discoveries. There are many varieties of health to study and discuss. There are new findings and suggestions practically every day. All people need to do it pick up a health-oriented magazine or read other types of publications concerning the topic.

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